Jul 12, 2013

CDP device discovery in python

Today, I wrote a small python script to discover Ubiquiti Nanostation devices on the network using pacpy and dpkt. Since it is listening CDP packets, I guess it can also discover other kinds of devices, though not tested.

Jul 11, 2013

Limiting the active users/sessions in freeRADIUS

Here is how to limit the number of concurrent users/sessions in freeRADIUS. Let's say, you want to reject auth requests if there are already more than 50 active accounting sessions.

  1. Add the following policy in your policy.conf
  2. maximum_active_users = 50
    check_active_users {
        if ("%{sql: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM  radacct WHERE acctstoptime IS NULL}" >= "%{config:policy.maximum_active_users}") {
            update reply {
                 Reply-Message := "Too many users logged into the system. Please try again later."
  3. Add check_active_users policy in your sites-enabled/default auth section.

  4. Test it using radclient.

  5. root @ ~ $ echo "User-Name=t1,User-Password=1234"  | radclient -x -d /etc/freeradius/ auth testing123
    Sending Access-Request of id 124 to port 1812
            User-Name = "t1"
            User-Password = "1234"
    rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=124, length=84
            Reply-Message = "Too many users logged into the system. Please try again later."